Tuesday, March 11, 2014

And All Was Normal Again

This is what Peter thinks of his mother's antics.
While I was on my mission in Taiwan, my family changed dramatically. My older sister and just-younger sister got married, and then both of them, as well as my older brother and his wife (married for 5 years), had a son. That's 5 new men in the family in 18 months.

Needless to say, I was a little unsure of how to act around these sisters of mine who used to be just sisters but now were "sisters with a husband and a child." One morning soon after I returned from Taiwan I was visiting my older sister at her house. I was walking down the hallway from the bathroom and, just as I came out into the clearing next to the stairs, my older sister, who had been crouched down, hiding, behind the wall, lunged out and growled at me. I almost fell down the stairs out of shock.

The funny thing is, after this little incident, I felt much more comfortable around her. I knew that everything was normal and that even a husband and a son hadn't changed her one bit!

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